Dr. Peers is a member of the British Menopause Society, she regularly attends their meetings and is passionate that women should receive accurate, up-to-date information about the benefits of HRT, which improves both their quality of life and long-term health. She is often asked to lecture on menopause management to various groups of professionals and also to National companies, schools and womens’ groups. If you would like to arrange a talk in your work place, please contact her.
The Menopause Consultancy
In the Autumn of 2019 The Menopause Consultancy Clinic was opened at the beautiful country location of Tillow Barn in Brockham.
“We want women to be able to access clear counselling and effective treatment for the menopause. I have helped thousands of women over the years, but I am very aware that there are many more women who struggle daily, and unnecessarily, with hot flushes, poor sleep, brain fog, tearfulness and anxiety. I want as many women as possible to access services, which are unfortunately, currently inadequately provided by the NHS. Therefore, we have opened this lovely clinic at Tillow Barn, bringing together like-minded doctors to bring good health to even more women in the Home Counties and beyond. No referral is necessary. We give our patients time, to listen to them and then explain fully all their options and answer all their questions. Women can self-refer and are able to book online.''
Our consultations are currently being provided remotely, via video call or by phone. If you require an examination we will arrange for you to be seen in person. Our virtual clinics have enabled us to provide care for women who live distant to the clinic, which is an exciting new development and to be able to offer more appointment options.
HRT post Breast cancer
This is an area of particular interest for Dr Peers, as she has personal experience of this condition. “When I became menopausal, following treatment for breast cancer, I was desperate to be able to go on HRT as I felt so ‘out-of-sorts’, so unlike myself, with no energy and no vitality. I researched the evidence and data on recurrence rates for women in my situation, spoke to key opinion leaders all over the World and sought as much expert opinion as I could. I went on HRT and immediately felt like I had ‘come back’. Thank goodness! I had so much work to do helping other women and so had to be firing on all cylinders!”
I care for many patients who, after full discussion and information on the data available for women on HRT post breast cancer, and after special consideration of their particular case, decide to go on HRT and improve the quality of their lives. As we now, thankfully, cure over 90% of early breast cancers, the vast majority of women survive this condition and then face the challenges of the menopause. “ I have seen many women at our clinic at Chelsea and Westminster, as well as in my private practice, who, like me, after considered thought, decide to take HRT.”
For those interested in reading more about the evidence we would recommend a recent publication:
Oestrogen Matters by Dr. Avrum Bluming and Carol Tavris - a Platkus publication.
Dr. Bluming was interviewed by Jenni Murray on Womans Hour on 31st October 2018 where he discusses the evidence and data that supports the safety of HRT use in women and in women post breast cancer. Listen to the programme here:
From a patient...
“Six months ago I was at rock bottom with little quality of life, struggling to perform at work because of severe sleep deprivation, miserable, fatigued, and not a nice person to be around.
I had been suffering with ever increasing menopause symptoms for 18 months. I used to ask myself regularly how could something supposed to be natural make me feel like I have a terminal illness? My GP had said no to HRT because of a medical complaint that I believed to be questionable. My sheer persistence and non acceptance of the decision took me on an amazing journey. I was seen by Dr Peers. I was listened to and made to feel that I was right to expect quality of life. I was thrown a lifeline - The HRT gave me my life back.
I was started on HRT immediately, monitored and followed up with individual interest and concern. Within 3-4 weeks of treatment my symptoms had all but disappeared. 5 months down the line life is great, home life is back on track, I sleep normally am happy and look forward to a long life. I belong to a gym again and have taken up rowing. I have Dr Peers to thank for her care and attention and giving me my life back.”