Potential relief for those suffering from symptoms post COVID-19
With years of experience diagnosing and helping patients manage Histamine Intolerance (HIT) and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), Dr. Peers has gained much expertise in the seldom talked about conditions.
With the outbreak of COVID-19 and the subsequent emergence of the prolonged illness termed ‘Long Covid’, she noted the strong correlation between the symptom presentation of these conditions and that of the illness that many are now sadly suffering from, some with life-altering symptoms that show no signs of abating.
Dr. Peers is now using her experience in this field in order to help many of those suffering the effects of Long Covid and hopes to be able to provide other healthcare professionals with guidance on the treatment of the symptoms.
To read a more detailed medical analysis on this theory and the evidence behind it, please download this PDF.
Consolidating the evidence to ascertain the most effective treatment plans
Dr. Peers had already been working with PeopleWith, an app designed to personalise treatments and optimise treatment outcomes, using it to optimise treatment plans for the patients she sees at her clinic, The Menopause Consultancy. The app also has the benefit of providing healthcare professionals a unique insight into which treatments are most effective for each symptom profile, completely anonymously.
It seemed a natural fit to utilise the app to conduct a clinical audit, that sets out to test the hypothesis that many Long Covid sufferers could in fact be experiencing the symptoms of undiagnosed cases of Histamine Intolerance and MCAS, brought on and exacerbated by exposure to the COVID-19 virus. The hope is to gain a broader understanding of this new illness, identify potential treatments and ultimately to help many of those suffering from its debilitating effects.
The PeopleWith app allows patients to track their symptoms, record their medication and monitor their progress. All the personal data is confidentially held. Information on the app is anonymised and enables medical professionals to conduct patient profiling to learn about patients’ responses to treatments.
The more sufferers of Long Covid that download the free app and record their symptoms, the more data will be available to be consolidated and used to examine the possibilities of underlying conditions which have caused the prolonged illness. This could aid greatly in helping longterm sufferers of the illness, and enable health professionals to treat the symptoms more effectively.
To download the PeopleWith app and track your own symptoms and treatment, as well as aiding with patient profiling for the clinical audit, it’s available free on the App Store or Google Play.
In the media
Watch Dr. Peers talking to Dr. Mobeen Syed about Long Covid in May 2021.
On 16 October 2020, Dr. Peers talked to BBC journalist Nicola Haseler in depth about this topic.
On 30 September 2020, Dr. Peers was interviewed on BBC Look East.
For any enquiries, please email info@menopauseconsultancy.co.uk