TLC Conference Success
The first international Treat Long Covid conference took place on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th June and was attended by many patients and clinicians alike. There were in total over 2200 registrations. Here is a snapshot of the feedback we received from attendees.
“I learned a lot as both patient and health professional. The speakers were all on top of the most important issues revolving around LC diagnosis and treatment and provided latest research.”
“I wanted to thank you for so impressively improving awareness of MCAS - perhaps seizing the moment of the pandemic in the UK. I hope that with the policy interest in long covid, longer term MCAS patients might benefit.”
“Thank you very much for inviting me to this conference - I was able to join on the Saturday and found it so informative, helpful and encouraging. I felt privileged to be able to attend.”
“I wanted to acknowledge the fantastic way Dr Peers led. Her warmth, compassion and encouragement of her fellow doctors was so evident and wonderful to see, as was her so obvious passion and commitment to this cause. I feel blessed and humbled to know that she and others are up there fighting our corner for us.”