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As a Consultant in Contraception, Dr. Peers has many years experience in advising women about their choices.

Services offered include:

  • Removal of 'lost/deep' implants

  • Fitting or removal of intrauterine devices

  • Retrieval of lost threads

  • Cervical screening

Dr. Peers has over 25 years experience in inserting and removing contraceptive implants. She is particularly skilled at locating and removing lost and deep implants, doing the removal through a 2mm incision, usually in moments.

She also has many years experience of fitting intrauterine devices, and is particularly referred the most difficult cases for insertions and also to find 'lost/retracted' threads when they need removal - saving many women a general anaesthetic for the procedures.

“I think it is important to make the procedure as quick and as comfortable as possible for women, and so I always use a local anaesthetic injection into the cervix. The new much smaller intrauterine devices, namely the Kyleena and Jaydess, are so small and easy to insert, that many women are pleasantly surprised at the ease of the procedure. I also believe in ‘vocal-local’!”

Over the 24 years of her leadership in the Contraceptive services in Surrey, she built a reputation for being the ‘go-to’ person for all the contraceptive difficult cases and conundrums, receiving referrals form GPs and colleagues within her own service form Surrey and the home-counties.

Contraceptive services are provided by Dr. Peers at Gatwick Park and North Downs Hospitals - please ring the hospitals for an appointment.

She also performs cervical screening at Clare Park Hospital, Gatwick Park Hospital and at North Downs Hospital. The NHS Cervical Screening Programme recommends 3-yearly smears for women aged 25-50. It then becomes 5-yearly until the age of 65. Many women prefer to start having smears earlier - especially if they have become sexually active when quite young, and to have annual smears, as recommended in so many European countries.

“I have diagnosed early cervical cancer in women under 25 years by recommending and performing a private smear. This has undoubtedly saved lives.”

If you are postmenopausal and would like to book in for a smear, please ensure that you are using vaginal oestrogen in the form of a cream or pessary, for at least 6 weeks prior to your appointment. This will make the whole procedure very much more comfortable. These are prescription-only medicines and will need to be obtained with a prescription.